Alex Hayden
  • Modern Languages
  • Class of 2015
  • Greenville, South Carolina

Alex Hayden Promoted in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. New Citadel leadership position takes effect in the fall

2014 Apr 9

Alex Justin Hayden has been selected for a leadership position at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.

The announcement was made this spring by Commandant of Cadets Col. Leo Mercado, USMC retired. The promotion list includes the regimental commander, the top ranking member of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets, and company and battalion commanders. The student military officers assume their new roles in the fall.

The Citadel, founded in 1842, is a public, coeducational military college in Charleston, S.C., that offers a classic military education for young men and women seeking a college experience that is challenging, meaningful and academically strong. With the core values of honor, duty and respect, The Citadel prepares its graduates to be principled leaders for the military as well as the global workplace.